the Federal Action Plan “For an LGBTQI+ friendly Belgium” 2021/2024
On 13th May 2022, the Federal Action Plan “For an LGBTQI+ friendly Belgium” was adopted thanks to the collaboration of 10 Ministers and State Secretaries, reflecting a collective commitment in favor of strengthening rights and the inclusion of LGBTQI+ people through the implementation of 133 policy measures.
These measures are structured around four strategic axes:
- Increase knowledge about the living conditions of LGBTQI+ people.
- Lead an inclusion strategy for LGBTQI+ people with particular attention to vulnerable groups.
- Improve the well-being of the LGBTQI+ community.
- Strengthen the safety of LGBTQI+ people.
The interim monitoring provides a progress report on the execution of the actions between March 2023 and July 2023. During this period, 38% of the actions have already been successfully implemented, while 41% are in progress and 7% have been partially completed.
This report was presented to civil society during a round table taking place on 20th October 2023.
A final report on the action plan will be produced during fall 2024.